29. Bloc Party - A Weekend in the City (Vice). I was an early supporter of Bloc Party when their debut EP came out in late 2004. In fact, I played them on my first ever radio show. However, I was slow to embrace this new CD. I have finally come around, and realize that though the band shed some of its Gang of Four punch, the moodier, more Radiohead-like tunes from the new CD are just as enjoyable after a few listens.
28. The Eames Era - Heroes and Sheroes (self released). This Louisiana indie pop band has a bit of a smart ass streak in them, and I find it totally appealing (Check out "Fake Do-Gooders" or "Teenage Meth-Head"). Heroes is the band's second full-length, and is an improvement over their excellent debut. If catchy indie songs sung by a woman is your thing (think Tuscadero with much better playing), then check these guys out.

26. LCD Soundsystem - Sound of Silver (DFA). Like Interpol, Arcade Fire, and Bloc Party, LCD Soundsystem debuted with such a strong album that fans will forever argue whether it could be topped. I won't try and argue either way on this one. Sound of Silver is a fantastic album - a dance music trip through the best British music of the 80s. "All My Friends" is one of the best singles of the year, and Franz Ferdinand's guitar-driven cover of it only made me appreciate it more.
25. Queens of the Stone Age - Era Vulgaris (Interscope). I kind of assumed that QOTSA would fade into oblivion after the disappointing Lullabies To Paralyze. It was sad, because Queens had been favorites of mine for a number of years. But much to my surprise, Josh Homme and whoever else makes up the band these days, have made a new album that lives up to the Queens celebrated legacy. The first single, "Sick Sick Sick" is amazing, and after seeing the band perform "Misfit Love" on the Henry Rollins Show, I realized how great the rest of the tracks are, too.

23. Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Is Is EP (Interscope). I was never much of a Yeah Yeah Yeahs fan before, but for some reason, I really connected with the five songs on this EP. No real stylistic breaks from previous recordings, but the tunes had an edge that I found lacking on their older stuff.

21. Two Gallants - Two Gallants (Saddle Creek). Because the San Francisco duo Two Gallants are a guitar and drums only band, they have incorrectly been lumped together with artists like White Stripes or Black Keys. The Keys comparison is okay, but Two Gallants are much more of a folk and delta blues mix than anything resembling White Stripes. As you might imagine from a band that takes its name from a James Joyce story, the songs' lyrics resemble old time storytelling - vivid descriptions of life in the old south or the old west, written as though these guys actually lived during those times. Though fellow Saddle Creek artist Bright Eyes is compared to Bob Dylan a lot; from a lyrical standpoint, I think Two Gallants are much closer.
The rest of the list will be coming next week, along with a podcast featuring songs from all 20 releases. Stay tuned...
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